Standard Portable Toilets

Porta Potty Rentals in North Texas

Call (940) 433-2228 to Confirm Availability

Our most popular item is the classic and convenient porta potty rental. Kyle Erwin Rentals provides comprehensive portable sanitation solutions for businesses, families, and organizations throughout North Texas. Our rental services include regularly scheduled waste management and sanitation throughout the duration of the rental, and most porta potties can be delivered on-site the same day they’re ordered.

Our standard porta potties are a clean, modern, and hygienic answer to your sanitation needs. Our porta potties are perfect for anything from one-day outdoor events to months-long construction projects.

Porta Potty Rentals by Kyle Erwin Rentals

We have over sixteen years of experience providing porta potty rentals in North Texas for many different clients. The best part? It’s as easy to rent one porta potty for a day as it is to rent fifty porta potties for the next six months. We have streamlined the process to make it quick and easy to supply and service porta potties at your location, wherever it is! Whether it’s for a Music Festival in Dallas, or a construction site in Wichita Falls, we have your sanitation needs covered.

When you rent porta potties through us, we’ll install and set up the portable toilets wherever you want, and we’ll provide regularly scheduled service and maintenance to those toilets. This maintenance includes sanitation, removal of waste, and replacement of toilet paper. When you arrange portable toilet rentals with us, we’ll help you figure out how many porta potties you need, and you can rest assured knowing they’ll arrive clean, and will be properly serviced throughout your rental period.

Why Rent Porta Potties With Us?

Porta potties have many perks! Some of those perks include:

  • Environmentally-Friendly: A standard toilet wastes around 1.6 Gallons of water per flush. Porta potties use no water, therefore no water is wasted.

  • Convenient: Porta potties can reduce, or eliminate bathroom lines for regular toilets on site.

  • Small Footprint: Our porta potties are 46” Long by 43” Wide, and can fit in practically any space of that size.

  • Maintenance: We take care of removing waste and replacing toilet paper, so you don’t have to worry about any of it.

Renting porta potties through Kyle Erwin Rentals is quick and easy. If you’re not sure about what you need, we’d be happy to talk you through how many toilets you’ll need, as well as additions you may benefit from, such as ADA-Compliant Porta Potties, Handwashing Stations, Hand Sanitizing stations, and our Luxury Portable Restroom Rentals.

Give Kyle Erwin Rentals a call today at (940) 433-2228, or send us an e-mail below!

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